Malvern Fabdogs will Do no harm. The Dog’s welfare is my primary concern.
2. I have developed both my own techniques to help with many behavioural problems and also align myself with those of Impackt Behaviour. I will always use the least aversive and most appropriate method to help the dog.
I oppose the use of overly aversive techniques and equipment that may harm or stress the dog beyond what may be necessary. All methods and techniques will be discussed and approved by the owner and will not harm the dog.
3. I shall at all times conduct my work considering the health and safety of myself, my client and the welfare of their dog. I shall also consider my health and safety responsibilities to the general public and maintain a valid public liability and/or professional indemnity insurance policy. Safety is of paramount importance.
Additionally when dealing with an aggressive dog the Malvern Fabdogs / Impact Behaviour protocol and process will be adhered to.
4. I will conduct myself honestly, professionally, compassionately and ethically and perform these services within the guidelines of this code. I will however give a clear and accurate summary of the situation without judgement, even if the truth is unpalatable to the owner. The dog’s welfare is my guiding principle.
5. I will continue to develop skills and knowledge by keeping myself informed of advances in the field of canine behaviour, by shadowing experts such as Pamela Dempsey at Impackt Behaviour and sensibly evaluating developing theories and training methods.
6. I will recognise my own professional limits and abilities, and if necessary, refer clients to another practitioner if appropriate.
7. I will respect the privacy policy and the data protection act and will not disclose any information pertaining to my clients or their dog without the client's written permission. I will not hold personal information online and am advised I do not need an ICO number (Information commissioners office) because of this.
8 I shall respect the views and independence of other dog trainers and and behaviour practitioners, and in the local area will continue to foster good professional relationships with them.
I will not act unprofessionally in person or online and always remember Malvern Fabdogs also represent Impackt Behaviour. As a representative of Impackt Behaviour, I will not publish or print anything that compromises or adversely affects their reputation in any way.
9 I shall maintain professional relationships with my clients and not exploit them for any improper personal, professional or financial gain, nor seek inappropriately to impose my own values on clients.
10 . This code of conduct could evolve as necessary to reflect new research and newly gained knowledge as a result of my continual development.
Marcie Harding
January 2025