Malvern Fabdogs

Welcome to Malvern Fabdogs

The UK's first 

Impackt Behaviour 

Accredited Aggression Specialist

Based in Malvern, Worcestershire and new facility opening 2025 Nr. Chipping Norton, West Oxfordshire.

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please read my testimonials page ! 

 Let me help make your dog a Fabdog !

"it's a miracle... is it the same dog?"              "you've changed my life" 

"Hi Marcie, sorry to contact you at the weekend but we have just returned from what I can only describe as a triumphant walk"

"I still can't believe the difference Marcie has made to Sid's behaviour. "

"Before meeting Marcie I’d seen three different trainers and a very expensive behaviouralist. None of them came close to the improvements that Marcie made in just one session. I’d given up thinking I’d ever be able to walk my dog in a busy street or around traffic. I now have the tools to help my dog and give him a much more fulfilled life"  - Mai and Idris the Kelpie.

Welcome to Malvern Fabdogs

Do you want a  FabDog?

Let me help you.......

to make your dog a Fabdog !

We help you to help your dog become happy and fulfilled.
Happy, fulfilled dogs have very few behavioural issues. 
We specialise in helping Aggressive, Reactive or boisterous dogs to  become polite and friendly. Our aim with Malvern Fabdogs is to make sure the dogs needing our help have the best chance possible to be happy and fulfilled.


Behaviour Sessions 

Reduce Reactivity

Manage Aggression

Improve Recall

Help with most inappropriate Behaviours


Within two hours with Marcie, it was like we had a different dog.


We have tried multiple trainers and behaviourists in the past and never had the results we have had with Marcie after just two meetings.


One on One Training Walks 

If needed these follow our Behaviour sessions for those in the Malvern Area. Sue will build on the behaviour sessions with lead walking or socialisation and training where needed. 


As my daughter said, whilst seeing the change after our session, "it's like witchcraft"!


When she told me this would be an easy fix, I must admit I was hesitant to believe her

The excessive barking has stopped and she never pulls the lead - I honestly can’t believe it! 



  • Normally just one or two sessions needed to give you the tools and methods to move forward ! 

  • No need for bulk buying sessions rarely more than a few needed so pay as you need them.

  • Extremely high success rate (see Testimonials) 

  • All common issues solved 

  • Reactivity and Aggression specialists

  • FREE ongoing advice if needed 

  • No nonsense Dog centred assessment - you get told how it is but without judgement ! 

Malvern Fabdogs

Do you want a


Let me help you.......

to make your dog a Fabdog !

I specialise in helping boisterous and reactive dogs become polite, calmer, well socialised and friendly dogs.  My aim with Malvern Fabdogs is to make sure the dogs needing my help have the best chance possible to be happy and fulfilled.

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Some very happy Fabdogs !